蒋蕾老师于中国文学专业毕业,长期从事新闻采写与版面编辑工作,定期为新闻从业人员开展专业写作辅导讲座。她热爱孩子, 成为中国首批国家二级心理咨询师(最高等级),用业余时间为青少年义务提供数百小时的电话及当面心理咨询服务。蒋蕾老师从2020年起,执教于丹城中文学校七年级,擅长将中国文化知识融汇于教学中,并在朗诵、写作指导上颇见成效。 2021年获全美中文协会荣誉教师奖。
Ms Lei Jiang owns B. A in Chinese literature.She has been a creative journalist for 10+ years. She excels in storytelling and writing skills, and was once a journalistic writing teacher. She has a passion for young children, and as a licensed psychological consultant, she has offered hundreds of free consultation hours for children in need.Since 2020, she has become a devoted teacher in Denver Chinese School. She was honored as outstanding teacher in 2021. She hopes she could show her beloved students a fantastic magic Chinese learning world.