
马健博士现在是科罗拉多大学斯普林斯校区副教授(终身教职)(Associate Professor with Tenure),他是大学“教育政策与大学标准(EPUS)”委员会主任,是大学教工执委会的七位成员之一,同时是商学院工商管理博士项目(EDBA)主任。马健教授曾经在科罗拉多州立大学普韦布罗校区担任助理教授。在加入学术界之前,马健博士曾经在美国加利福尼亚州硅谷地区担任高级研究员,并且在美国和中国创立了多个公司并担任多个公司的执行股东。马健教授的博士学位是在亚利桑那大学的管理信息系统系获得。在此之前,马健博士在德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校获得计算机硕士学位,以及在北京大学获得化学学士学位。他曾经担任国际信息系统学会(Association for Information Systems)全球副主席(负责发展全球战略伙伴),国际电子健康杂志(International Journal of Electronic Healthcare)总编,以及国际计算机学会管理信息系统杂志(ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)信息部主任。马健教授曾是丹城中文学校(Denver Chinese School) Highlands Ranch(HR)校区的校长,目前已经升任丹城中文学校理事长。为表彰他对于当地社区的贡献,他在2019年获得了由特拉普总统签发的“总统服务奖金奖”。
Dr. Ma is currently an Associate Professor with Tenure at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He is the Chair of Educational Policy and University Standards (EPUS), one of the seven members of Faculty Assembly Executive Committee, and the Faculty Director of Executive Doctor of Management Administration (EDBA). Before that, he had been an Assistant Professor at Colorado State University at Pueblo. Before he joined the academia, he had been a Senior Scientist in San Jose, California. He received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona. He obtained M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas and B.S. in Chemistry from Peking University, China. He is currently the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Electronic Healthcare (IJEH), and the Information Director at ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS). He has been the principal of Denver Chinese School, Highlands Ranch Campus (DCS-HR). Currently he is the President and Board Chair of Denver Chinese School. Because of his excellent service experience in the local community, he won the President’s Volunteer Service Award (signed by President Donald Trump) in 2019.
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