
Hi I am Sherrie Cao, and I am a tenth grader (sophomore) at Rock Canyon High School. I’ve been learning Chinese ever since I was a little girl. I learned Chinese at the Denver Chinese School from K-AP, which is all of the given courses there at this school. I was born in Denver, Colorado. Since my parents are from China, and they had me when they were in the US, that makes me an ABC, aka an American born Chinese. I’ve lived in Denver for my whole life, and besides learning Chinese and its culture, I’ve done many other things as well. I have many hobbies and talents. Ever since I was little, I was an athlete. I played a variety of sports, and I still do till this day. Examples are soccer, fencing, gymnastics, ballet, etc. I loved to draw, so I take art lessons outside of school, and I draw as much as I can. I love learning languages, and I know about five languages, two I’m currently learning, and the other three I’ve been learning my whole life. Aside from all of this, I love to sing. Singing is my passion, and I am in my school’s select women’s choir. I’ve been singing all my life, and it has become a passion that I love and want to pursue. I’ve done many performances, and will continue to do so. Singing has helped me understand the beauty of other languages, especially Chinese because of my background. I’ve come to be thankful and grateful for everything that I’ve been able to do to find who I really am!

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