Yushiuan (Cynthia) Du is 13 years old and is currently studying at Rocky Heights Middle School. Cynthia has studied in Denver Chinese School since she was 5 years old. She started in Ma Liping K class, and is now in the Ma Liping 8th Grade class. As parents, we are very grateful to Denver Chinese School and all their great teachers. They can provide a community which lets our children have an opportunity to learn Chinese language and explore Chinese culture. Cynthia is a thoughtful and diligent girl who is usually very disciplined while setting a high standard for herself. She is very concentrated in the Chinese lessons and takes her time to do Chinese homework at home as well. After learning Chinese from Denver Chinese School for eight years, we are very pleased to see Cynthia’s growth and improvement, especially in reading and writing skills. At the same time, we strongly encourage and support her. Besides her normal school homework, she also practices piano every day and plays tennis as well. Lastly, we want to thank Mrs. Zhang for teaching and giving Cynthia this honor to promote her in learning Chinese. Thanks!
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